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Category: Posts

Tips for Navigating the Health Insurance Marketplace

Federal health insurance reform led to the requirement that all U.S. residents have health insurance. Although that will no longer … Read More

Learn About Immunization for Children

Immunizations are very important, especially for children. As babies, children receive antibodies from their mothers, which make them significantly less … Read More

Learn the Importance of Annual Physical Examinations

Many adults have a hard time scheduling their annual physical examinations. There are a few different reasons that adults use … Read More

Learn About Signs That Your Illness Needs to Be Treated With Antibiotics

While millions of prescriptions are written each year for antibiotics, an estimated one-third of those prescriptions are written unnecessarily. Antibiotics … Read More

Learn How to Choose a Primary Care Physician Who Is Right for You

One of the most important health related decisions that Virginia residents have to make is who they see as their … Read More

Learn About Home Remedies for Common Illnesses

Everyday illnesses such as sunburn, bites and nasal congestion are frustrating and can occur all too commonly. The good news … Read More

A Guide to Making a Healthy Weekly Meal Plan

Managing a healthy diet is something that, in principle, should be easy. However, anyone who has attempted a diet can … Read More

9 Reasons to Get Your Annual Flu Shot

Every winter, as the weather starts to cool, the message in doctor’s offices and clinics, media outlets and schools to … Read More